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Originally the club was formed for the interest of both car and bike riders in Launceston and was called the Tasmanian Automobile Club. The constitution stated that membership had to be approximately 50 / 50 car and bike. At events cars would compete with bike riders acting as officials for half the day and the roles swapped for the second half.

Right from the start the club ran regular competitive events mainly on the roads in and around Launceston. Hill climbs were held at places like Henry Street, High Street, Denison Road, and Landfall Hill. Acceleration test were held at many places along the Midland Highway, The “flying mile” near Longford, Rochalea Road and Nile Road.

Our mission is to provide a friendly club for owners and enthusiasts of Classic Motorcycles.



Motorcycling, something of a Darwinian variation in the evolution of bicycling, originates with the widespread diffusion of motorized transportation in the United States. The late 1800s and early 1900s saw an international bicycle diffusion bonanza.

These relatively cheap vehicles were marketed for a wide variety of uses, such as business delivery vehicles and leisurely activities, as well as being a prime answer to inner city mass transportation problems. While bicycle companies had been experimenting with motorized versions of their cycles since at least as early as 1894, the first large scale introduction of what was to become the motorcycle was introduced to the American public via bicycle racing after the turn of the twentieth century (Sucher). In fact, well into the 1920s bicycle racing was Americas most popular and well attended sport, with races drawing more spectators than any other professional sport including baseball (Nye).

Motorcycling, something of a Darwinian variation in the evolution of bicycling, originates with the widespread diffusion of motorized transportation in the United States. The late 1800s and early 1900s saw an international bicycle diffusion bonanza.

These relatively cheap vehicles were marketed for a wide variety of uses, such as business delivery vehicles and leisurely activities, as well as being a prime answer to inner city mass transportation problems. While bicycle companies had been experimenting with motorized versions of their cycles since at least as early as 1894, the first large scale introduction of what was to become the motorcycle was introduced to the American public via bicycle racing after the turn of the twentieth century (Sucher). In fact, well into the 1920s bicycle racing was Americas most popular and well attended sport, with races drawing more spectators than any other professional sport including baseball (Nye).

Motorcycling, something of a Darwinian variation in the evolution of bicycling, originates with the widespread diffusion of motorized transportation in the United States. The late 1800s and early 1900s saw an international bicycle diffusion bonanza.

These relatively cheap vehicles were marketed for a wide variety of uses, such as business delivery vehicles and leisurely activities, as well as being a prime answer to inner city mass transportation problems. While bicycle companies had been experimenting with motorized versions of their cycles since at least as early as 1894, the first large scale introduction of what was to become the motorcycle was introduced to the American public via bicycle racing after the turn of the twentieth century (Sucher). In fact, well into the 1920s bicycle racing was Americas most popular and well attended sport, with races drawing more spectators than any other professional sport including baseball (Nye).

Motorcycling, something of a Darwinian variation in the evolution of bicycling, originates with the widespread diffusion of motorized transportation in the United States. The late 1800s and early 1900s saw an international bicycle diffusion bonanza.

These relatively cheap vehicles were marketed for a wide variety of uses, such as business delivery vehicles and leisurely activities, as well as being a prime answer to inner city mass transportation problems. While bicycle companies had been experimenting with motorized versions of their cycles since at least as early as 1894, the first large scale introduction of what was to become the motorcycle was introduced to the American public via bicycle racing after the turn of the twentieth century (Sucher). In fact, well into the 1920s bicycle racing was Americas most popular and well attended sport, with races drawing more spectators than any other professional sport including baseball (Nye).

Motorcycling, something of a Darwinian variation in the evolution of bicycling, originates with the widespread diffusion of motorized transportation in the United States. The late 1800s and early 1900s saw an international bicycle diffusion bonanza. These relatively cheap vehicles were marketed for a wide variety of uses, such as business delivery vehicles and leisurely activities, as well as being a prime answer to inner city mass transportation problems. While bicycle companies had been experimenting with motorized versions of their cycles since at least as early as 1894, the first large scale introduction of what was to become the motorcycle was introduced to the American public via bicycle racing after the turn of the twentieth century (Sucher). In fact, well into the 1920s bicycle racing was Americas most popular and well attended sport, with races drawing more spectators than any other professional sport including baseball (Nye).


Looking for some adventure? We are working on several short tours on Vancouver Island, On-Road, Off-Road there is so much to see here. Keep and eye on the website and our News Letter as we release information about these tours and how you can get off the beaten track and experience the incredible parts of this Island with our expert guides.

Riding Skill


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