The Dental Center National Hospital
One of the essential qualities of a professional doctor is his humanity. At our clinic, we take a great care of your health, mental and physical.
Ataturk Changes
Cardiac surgery
We are here for you
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What to Expect From Us
Best Laboratory Analysis Available
Cerebral Palsy
We employ certified doctors only. Learn more about their practice.
Calf Muscle Injury
Professional laboratory team is always at your service at our clinic!
Ankle Sprain
We employ certified doctors only. Learn more about their practice.
Dancing Injuries
Professional laboratory team is always at your service at our clinic!
People Trust Me
Because my patients are my family
One of the most important factors about people’s lives is the information of, the use of, and the growing knowledge of medicine. Medicine is a form of art. It depends on how skillfully doctors apply their knowledge when dealing with patients.
Satisfied Patients
Families Trust
Emergency Help