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Aliquam accumsan vel nibh nec tempor. Vivamus at condimentum metus. Vivamus porttitor, ligula vitae lacinia tempor, justo dolor facilisis felis, in faucibus nisi orci a mi. Pellentesque vel dolor felis. Duis venenatis fringilla nisi quis accumsan. Pellentesque eu semper ipsum, ac ornare magna. Suspendisse laoreet cursus nisl.

What Is Classical Homeopathy

The word homeopathy is derived from the Greek words homoios, meaning similar and pathos, meaning suffering. Classical homeopathy, the fastest growing health care system in the world, is a complete, natural healing system discovered over 200 years ago by…

Remedies For Colic

The reality is, all babies cry: It’s the best (and only) way for them to communicate their needs at this tender age. And as parents, we’re biologically programmed to respond so those needs get met. But in babies with colic,…